殺人歴のある男から母親を命がけで守った少年、19か月後に息を引き取る(画像は『Mirror 2018年12月7日付「Hero boy dies 19 months after skull was crushed fighting murderer trying to rape mum」(Image: VK/east2west news)』のスクリーンショット)
ダンベルで頭蓋骨を割られ瀕死の状態に陥ったヴァンヤ君(画像は『The Sun 2018年12月6日付「ULTIMATE SACRIFICE Hero schoolboy, 16, dies after having skull crushed by knife-wielding monster he fought off during attempted rape of his mum」(Credit: EAST2WEST NEWS)』のスクリーンショット)
27か所刺されながらも息子に命を救われた母親ナタリアさん(画像は『The Sun 2018年12月6日付「ULTIMATE SACRIFICE Hero schoolboy, 16, dies after having skull crushed by knife-wielding monster he fought off during attempted rape of his mum」(Credit: EAST2WEST NEWS)』のスクリーンショット)
殺人歴の前科があり、母子を襲ったローマン・プローニン(画像は『The Sun 2018年12月6日付「ULTIMATE SACRIFICE Hero schoolboy, 16, dies after having skull crushed by knife-wielding monster he fought off during attempted rape of his mum」(Credit: EAST2WEST NEWS)』のスクリーンショット)