身長差152センチ “世界一背の高い女性”と”世界一背の低い女性”が初対面…
writer : ac
出産後、1週間ぶりに娘と対面した母。娘は1か月ほど早く誕生し、新生児集中治療室に入院中で、先に退院できた母は心配で仕方がなかったという(『Tamara Jenäe TikTok「Koa was born a month early」』より)
お腹にいる時に聞いていた優しいママの声が分かったのだろう。コアちゃんはママにハグをしようと、両手を広げた(『Tamara Jenäe TikTok「Koa was born a month early」』より)
「ママ、会いたかったよ」という声が聞こえてきそう? タマラさんはこの特別な瞬間、幸せを感じたという(『Tamara Jenäe TikTok「Koa was born a month early」』より)
@perfectttt8 Koa was born a month early & had to be in the NICU for about a month, because we lived about 40 minutes from the hospital it was difficult to visit everyday, this was our first time being reunited since I had left & when she heard my voice she reached out to hug me as if to say “hi mommy, where have you been” it was extremely emotional for me because I could see in her eyes & her body language that not only did she recognize me she missed me as much as I had missed her this was a long journey for the both of us & one the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I thank God for my Boa #nicubaby #bondedforlife ♬ original sound - Tamara Jenäe